About Me

I am Iowa Hawkeye and proud of it! :0) I began teaching in first grade, was moved to fifth grade (the day before school...what a year!), then moved back to be with my firsties! I'm a married, mother of one to a very curious and adventurous little boy and three fur babies! :0)

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Doubles/Fact Family Books

As I was reading chapter 5, I had a "DUH" moment! Of course kiddo's need the opportunity to create their own problems! It is also fantastic that we are able to include some writing time in math as well! :0) I created two booklets, a fact family booklet, and a doubles booklet. I am going to try and set up an area in my room that is devoted to math materials (like in Chapter 2) and I can put extra copies of these sheets in that area for my kiddos to use, as well as in the station itself.
Hope you like them and please feel free to leave a comment... I LOVE HEARING FROM YOU ALL! :0)

Fact Family Booklet and Doubles Booklet


  1. Oh... I have had a lot of "duh" moments. Thank you for the great booklets! Love the font you used!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  2. Deedee! Thanks again for commenting! Love hearing from you :0) And thanks, I downloaded some of the free fonts from kevinandamanda and sugar frog fonts. (I made the booklets on my school laptop, but I'll be sure to get back to you as to which one it is :0) )

  3. CUTE books! Thank you so much for sharing these! I am your newest follower and would love for you to come follow me and grab LOTS and LOTS of my *freebies*!
