About Me

I am Iowa Hawkeye and proud of it! :0) I began teaching in first grade, was moved to fifth grade (the day before school...what a year!), then moved back to be with my firsties! I'm a married, mother of one to a very curious and adventurous little boy and three fur babies! :0)

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Help pretty please! :0)

Please don't judge...I know these might be really silly questions, but hey...isn't the old saying, "The only dumb question is the question that goes unasked?" (or something like that?)
So where do I start...
I'd love to figure out how to share my files with you all, but I am not great with computers and I'm having a tough time!
I tried google docs and scribd, however they both changed the font, which isn't very important, but I loved the original font! (also when the font changed... I had to go back in and reformat the doc). Any advise or great sites you all use to send out your freebies?

I'm also wondering how everyone has these amazingly cute buttons and how I might be able to create my own?

Also how do I create a link? And how do I add someone's amazing link to my posts?

Any advise would be great!!!


  1. Hi. I just finished working on my new blog with my daughter's help with the html coding...ugh! Here are a couple links that we used to figure out how to make a button and get it to work on my blog. If you want me to send the code that worked for us I can e-mail it to you...


    Good Luck!





  2. Kelly,

    I am new to blogging too and I found Ladybug's Teacher Files blog very helpful. She has a tutorial on how to embed Google docs into your blog.

    You can check out her blog here.


  3. Prior to uploading your files save it as a PDF. Go to Save As. It will be one of your options. Hope this helps.

