About Me

I am Iowa Hawkeye and proud of it! :0) I began teaching in first grade, was moved to fifth grade (the day before school...what a year!), then moved back to be with my firsties! I'm a married, mother of one to a very curious and adventurous little boy and three fur babies! :0)

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Monday, June 20, 2011

WOOHOO!! I think I have finally figured it out! :0)

THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELPFUL COMMENTS!! I think I've figured out how to upload google docs! YIPPY!!

I found an awesome end of the year award from a blog... and I can't remember which blog
I found if from?!? I'd love to give credit so if anyone has the link to the creater of the "officially a 2nd grader award" please let me know :0) THANKS! I could not find Swedish fish anywhere (they were probably right in front of my face, knowing me! hehe) So I taped smarties to the middle of the award.


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