About Me

I am Iowa Hawkeye and proud of it! :0) I began teaching in first grade, was moved to fifth grade (the day before school...what a year!), then moved back to be with my firsties! I'm a married, mother of one to a very curious and adventurous little boy and three fur babies! :0)

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Here we go

Well here it goes... my very first blog post EVER.... (cue the echo sound effects)! Two things have inspired me to start my own blog, #1: all of you amazing teachers that have great ideas and lessons that I am addicted to reading and trying out in my own classroom. #2: A great friend of mine that is a stay at home mom. She started her blog a couple of months ago and as I read her blogs, I'm either laughing out loud, crying or trying my darnest to figure out how I could possibly be half as crafty and talented as her. (I'm very lucky she lives so close, in case I have any difficulties warming up my newest dinner experiment or trying out a new craft; she is able to come over and save me from blowing up the house or gluing my fingers to my head.) I am sending out a disclaimer, I do not claim to be the greatest or most amazing teacher, heck, I hardly know my name after a difficult day at school! I do love to learn and can't wait to get feed back and constructive advise from fellow bloggers! So here it goes, wish me luck! ;0)

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